Saturday 19 November 2016

My hobbies ! :)

                               My favorite hobby is horse riding :

      I do horse riding every Wednesday evening, it's a very good sport with a horse. I started pony when I was 4 years old. I love animals in particularity horses that's why I love horse riding.

My poney club is Echenevex, I have a very good teacher and I have started competition this year. I haven't got any favorite horse because every poney has his own personality. Horses are very friendly and nice and in my opinion horse riding is the best sport.

When I will be an adulte, I really hope, I will do a job with horses. 

                               My second hobby is painting :

I love painting because it's relaxing and I like drawing. 
I have drawing classes every Wednesday afternoon.
I draw very much because drawing  
it's a super activity. 
I love art and I love drawing some very nice paysage. 

                                And my third hobby is skiing :

I started skiing 5 years ago. 
I ski in winner every week-ends and Wednesdays, in a ski club. I do some competition but I prefer skiing with my friend or with my family. I love ski because it's a very funny sport.
When I am skiing I like the sensation of speed, I have so much fun. 


  1. you did a very great article loulou!But you forget one of yours hobbies:cats like me but I know you love horse riding. that's very interesting!

  2. You are right horse riding is so great
    it's a very good article
