Monday 21 November 2016

My hobby: travelling around the world!!

We are tiny compared to the immensity of the world, and that is probably what I love most about travelling. You can have visited every country in the world, but you could never have seen it all.
That can make you feel tiny. When visiting a country, it gives you the desire to visit more and that is what keeps me going.
You can enjoy a country a lot and think there is no better place to be in the world, but when you visit some more places, you can always find somewhere else fantastic on our planet.
The world is a lot bigger then we think it is and has so much to offer.

I don't have a preference visiting a certain country or another because I know they all have something beautiful to discover.
By travelling, you get to see how other people live, their culture, what they eat and you get to try it all!!
Even if sometimes you meet some people who have just discovered electricity and live in very difficult conditions, you then realise that small things can make your life great and be a big gift.
Seeing all that will obviously change your life. It makes you realise how much you have and how advanced you are with technology.
Sometimes you also see countries that are more advanced then ours. You can imagine that one day, we will also reach that level.
Travelling really broadens your world and your mind.

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